We all smell and draw each other to what we love uniquely...In my case I believe I am a playground of branches and leaves that has a fragrance of perspiration and scuffed kneecaps..but I love to play sports...so that makes sense for sensei ronald j.f. panlilio...."nurse, medic I need some tender loving care for this cut just under my cheekbone from sliding into 2nd base
Unify2glorify at Santiago retreat center...714 649 9800 27912 Baker canyon road, Silverado [email protected]. ephesians 6:10 to 20 , ephesisians 4:3... prayerful people gathered together will move mountains with only one breath www.unify2glorify.org
Confess your troubles to religious ordered minister. I as a catholic go to a priest, bishop, archbishop, or Pope for my confession...so they may call upon god and the holy spirit to examine my heart and give me penance to heal me, and anyone I may have injured by my choices. And I pray that any person I have ever hurt by my thoughts or actions will be protected from all people who would hurt them in that way in the future. So confess to your minister of penance, redemption, and confession so that you may be heard face to face talking in a conversation with a live person: for where two or three are gathered in the name of God, Jesus, and the holy spirit...then God will be there....It is important to tell people face to face, and ask them to pray for our trials, and poor choices to be redeemed in these penitent prayers for penance and protection of all for generations to come....
Every day when we rise, we ask in prayer: How may I serve you today Lord? Saint Dimas, pray for us Saint Mary Magadalene, pray for us Saint John Paul the Second, pray for us Amen .....+..... Trust in Providence
Peace, Tranquility, and Salvation to your Casa Mi Casa, su Casa En via tu Espiritu, se a renovada, la faz de la tierra Que Viva Cristo Rey We are an army called for loving God, to protect our neighbors So we ride for Freedom, for Love, for God, and protect our Neighbors...no matter what happens...stay alive..we will find you...For Mama Mary loves you, and the Good Shepherd would never abandon his flock, if a wolf comes to threaten the Shepherd's flock, he will distract the wolf with a piece of food, or if the villainous wolf persists we will cripple the wolf so it cannot move faster than the flock. The Good Shepherd knows how to get his people home every night, and allows the wolf to contemplate who the prey is and pray to become a part of the flock, or to stay injured over and over until he accepts the food set aside for the wolf's cubs...:) So we ride to share the story that protects us all....So All will live in love with Good Shepherd each day till their last breath on this park and playground we are called to care for the Earth...FIAT
and it begins...let it begin with THEE Please guard my heart as a blessedly single catholic male dedicated to serve his neighborhood and declare his love for God. I know that when I pray for answers and help for actions that I do not comprehend a solution for that you will send me hopes and prayers to the people who need those prayers answered and the people who can deliver the answers to those people in need because you love all babies on earth. You are the mother of my savior, Jesus Christ, and I know that a mother's love is different and just as necessary to be a model of god as a father's love is different and necessary to be a model of god. Both men and women reflect the awesome love of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. And you are the model of love for all women as a holy vessel, you chose to give your FIAT, and affirm god's call to be the mother of baby jesus, and take care of this infant savior with Saint Joseph. Until he could drink from your breasts, and feel human and beloved as all babies are too their mother and father on Earth. Then as he was served by your love and protection as an infant...he came and emerged as Jesus Christ, our savior and messiah completely divine and human combined walking among us forever through the blessing of pentecost and the holy spirit we are all blessedly single, blessedly married, or religiously ordered to minister through the Holy Spirit to all so that the caretakers of this planet will have neighborhoods blessed and protected forever. Fiat (god's will be done) Amen .....+..... with all the archangels, angels and saints and all our loved ones in heaven |
Sensei Ronald J.F. Panlilio
thoughts on nutrition, sports strategy, and creating team leaders as a member of a team or as a coach or manager of a sports team on the basketball court deals of the day invest above to sponsor the writing on this site for a future book for theology of the body on courtship when god sends a worthy man to find a priceless woman prepared by god.
I love to serve, and serve to love, and if you feel these words are blessings for your family please send us an email, or send any amount of sponsorship to help me put food on the table as a writer,and coach: basketball, fastpitch softball, and baseball who will use any love donation to help serve the neighbors I am called to serve as a Roman Catholic Servant-Hearted Artist. One of my goals in life is to use my writing to create a book for the theology of the body from my perspective as a man that is currently blessedly single, but also very much preparing to be blessedly married and I am already focused in my prayer life on one woman, and I pray we will be parents of children after our song of songs and wedding mass in god's perfect timing. I am praying about going to krakow, poland for world youth day in 2015 with a group from st paul in chino hills, and each members must raise 4000 dollars so hopefully I can raise enough for all of our group to attend: we already have 20 people in the group. you can send paypal funds to me at [email protected], or if you email me we can make other arrangements. Jesus Be with you, and May Mama Mary always embrace and protect you with her Blue Mantle of Protection. And please also send any prayer requests along with it and I will be sure to add it to my weekly hour in the adoration chapel even if you don't have money to give I will still include your prayers with mine.
R and R International mentors families so they have more play time with their family and friends, and more tools like money to be used to prepare for more service with their neighborhood
Global Entertainment Symposium June 2014 at USC FILM School by the Los Angeles World Affairs Council |