Comix the Movie is created by Michael Valentine, and he and his wife are friends with my younger sister Maritess Plewnarz. I am sharing the trailer here for my friends who also love comics and documentaries about superheroes, and I am hoping to help the Valentine's production team with getting this film out and about to families that have a love for heroes, and adventure and the medium of comic books and graphic novels that are basically a very easy way to storyboard shots for a cinematic film.
Comix the Movie is created by Michael Valentine, and he and his wife are friends with my younger sister Maritess Plewnarz. I am sharing the trailer here for my friends who also love comics and documentaries about superheroes, and I am hoping to help the Valentine's production team with getting this film out and about to families that have a love for heroes, and adventure and the medium of comic books and graphic novels that are basically a very easy way to storyboard shots for a cinematic film.