I listened to an audio cd of matthew kelly teaching people to go to church for 5 minutes a day at the end or beginning of the day. To talk about your to do list with god, and be on your way. He speaks with an Irish accent and is well known for rediscovering catholicism, dynamic catholic, and reading telephone books to female fans.
Hayley and Michael Dimarco wrote about taking the desperate out of dating. Everyone should bring something to the courtship, we should strong as singles. God will prepare us for our vocation to be married when both the man and the woman is ready even before they ever meet in person face to face. Often they will meet without making plans, or dating sites, or gps maps, or email, or cell phones, they most likely just have the same passion like riding bicycles, or kayaks, or photography and find themselves strolling in the same areas as others who also believe in adoption centers instead of abortion centers to protect families in the future. And kendrick's book on the love dare, and the fireproof movie was one of my favorite pieces of literature mixed with preparation and protection of a marriage in trouble that had already happened because divorce was given by lawyers and hardened hearts. God would never tear apart what God has put together in heaven in prayer. Bo Sanchez has secrets of the truly rich that having nothing to do with money, but rather planning time with husband and wife, and with each child on a weekly basis. Time and moments are worth more than toys and gold and honey. shaunti and jeff feldhahn wrote two books one for men only and one for women only, so I only read the one for men, and shared it with some male friends when I was done reading. Age is just a number by dara torres and elizabeth weil, because the best age is the age you are today. And do not let anyone tell you that you are worth less as times goes on. All people men and women are worth the same to god. We are all without price. Even though many believe their bank account is their value, but if you send in a computer virus your video game value score goes down faster than a burning barrel in donkey kong country. A man of God protects his loved ones in prayer and in body. He is a rock to build upon in his family. He doesn't mind giving up his own food and comforts so that his family is fed, has an education, and a safe place to sleep. He knows how to value time with his loved ones over the time he spends at work. At his workplace he considers it a service, and he enjoys his service so much that it feels like play to him. For some they love their work not so much for what they do, but for what it gives to him to bring food, shelter, and education, and prayer time to his loved ones. He leads by example and his honest, in his prayer life. He reads and leads the prayer time daily before bedtime and always makes time for grace before meals. He does not drink or eat anything to forget his actions. He learns from his best and worst choices in life. A man of god calls upon Jesus when he needs a shield, and he uses the word of God as it is stronger than any weapon aimed by a person at him or his loved ones. He is willing to sacrifice his body and put himself in harm's way to protect a neighbor if he doesn't know their name yet. For he would expect the same of other men if his loved ones were in danger when he is not present physically. He does God's will and says FIAT to any service asked of him by God the Father. He does not judge anyone else's lifestyle, but he does advise his loved ones and is aware of his family history and guides them towards the faith, politics, and beliefs that have protected their family for generations. He is brave and relies on God's will and has a relationship with God the father that supercedes anything or anyone on earth. He prays before even breathing or moving any muscle or doing any actions or saying any sound or word, because without preparing in prayer first the battle is already lost. He gives credit to his teammates in victory and recognizes their contribution and accepts the responsiblity whenever his team fails. Lastly he does not disparage or tear people down, or discipline them in front of the group: rather he pulls them aside one on one and counsels and corrects them in a sincere and earnest way without making the person feel embarrassed or defensive. He finds beauty not on the exterior or the bank account, or any of the world's view. He finds beauty in the prayerful ways a brother or sister in christ serves their neighbors in a group setting. We are all part of God's family as a family of human beings, and if we pray for redemption for each other as well as seek confession and penance for ourselves we all will have the ability to raise our family tree from the beginning of time to infinitum even if we never thought it possible. With God anything can happen, so pray for miracles. Praying for what we already know how to do is a waste of time: just go do it. But praying in a group for a miracle or an act of god like bringing Jesus, Mary and God the Father back to earth to play and dance with us would be something only God could do. Ask and pray for miracles, and if its FIAT God will bring it to you.
Forgiveness, Communication and Redemption. I am sure at times I have not been forgiving of others. I also know that when God has given me mercy or penance that it has helped me to grow. I suppose that one day everything will be made clear, but if I have hurt anyone recently in my thoughts, words or actions just know that it was not done with malice. Communication is a huge part of any journey so that people can learn to be brothers and sister's in christ. As part of God's family there will be people coming in from all different stages in their lives. Even when we bring good intentions to a person it may not be something they are receptive to, so no worries. Just do what God tells us to do, but also listen to the people we interact with. And if they choose to stop communication with you then it must be that way. In any case God must have had a reason for you to meet someone in person, even if it was just to meet and pray for that person or their family to be healed or blessed. Maybe someone in their family is injured or struggling with a pacemaker: so maybe our role is just to pray for the names and families that become prominent in our prayer life even if we don't understand why God would send us to pray for that person in an adoration chapel in front of the Eucharist every week for many weeks. As human beings we don't have to understand everything, otherwise we would be God and not need to be on earth. We are only called to step out into the water when god calls us to walk on the ocean from the boat and trust that we can dance with jesus, mary, and god the father until he gives more directions for the next day. Every person needs forgiveness, healing, and penance to find a redemption story in their lives in the days and years to come, so we may continue to grow in love with the human family under God.
When God is knocking on your heart, and gives you the courage to do and act in a way that moves people and moves hearts. It must be God calling you in particular to be the part of a team to do God's work on earth. Year after year I hear and see God being denied in american public schools, foul language dominating the media, and prayertime being denied at all american events. Even our paper money that says "in god we trust" is being replaced by mastercard, visa, american express, and discover. God sends people on missions and gives them a reason to hope and find people, resources and teams to do God's work with them. We all have a role to play, if anyone has felt God tugging on their heart in 2014 than maybe it is time we start working together. I personally feel the need to build adoption centers, remove strip clubs, and buildings or crime syndicates that promote human trafficking. I want to have the government give taxpayers another chance to vote on making marijuana illegal in california and the united states. I hate walking down the street and smelling that garbage for blocks at a time. I want to pay extra out of my own taxes to remove pornographic movies from the internet at least in america. If china can censor parts of the web, than our american technology should have the ability to slow down porn sites to a standstill if we all agree to pay for those sites to disappear so we can better protect the blessedly married, the blessedly single, and the religiously ordained. Lastly we must remove abortion from the code of law for all countries internationally. The new elections are coming soon, and I will be campaining hard and praying for those running for office. I plan on making art and postcards to raise funds for leaders who want to take us in a new direction. I want to put international pressure on our country and our citizens to choose better leaders. For the protection of procreation and life in all stages, and for peace in south america. Many months ago God the father asked me to pray for la paz in south america specifically. Most likely because I have always wanted to travel there. Also because a few small crime groups in colombia and mexico give the whole country a bad reputations with the good families and tourists who want to go there. My grandparents in mindanao lived in an area that even other filipinos were afraid to travel too. But if they really understood God, there is nothing to fear because God is always with us. But so many of us believe the hype in television rather than giving a place and its people a chance to show how prayerful and beautiful they are. I believe we need to replace these crime infested areas and cities and replace them with adoption agencies, academies for children, champion villages, pro women's leagues for soccer and profastpitch, the wnba, and d-league franchises, and most importantly dedicate it to holy people and saints and converting the local churches into cathedrals for God the father. We need stronger families, and we can do this one city at a time by promoting ways to get rid of our abortion/divorce culture and go to stories and lives that family games that are life giving instead of life stealing. Why focus our lives on the a-word, s-word, n-word, b-word, or c-word: when we can use a whole lexicon of awesome, supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, knightly, and neverending, beautiful children from brave brides and courageous captains. We need to go beyond what the world tells us. And go back to expressing ourselves fully with all the flavor, dialects, and local and international languages and stories we learn from our travels and books that we read. Condoms increase the divorce rates internationally, they may protect the skin from some venerial/skin disease. 98%of the time..but they definitely lead to women and men feeling like a tool to be used and not loved, and it breaks people's hearts, and their souls, and the condom can break in the process...The corporate sponsors of condoms...love the divorce business because divorce cases are worth a lot of money on earth. But when you use condoms and purposely cause divorce in your family or the other person's family you have destroyed a promise made to god the father...and when you leave earth...people who break a vow or promise to god, are basically saying they disregard god, and value themselves over all other people and over god....so god will put you where you belong...I pray that you seek penance before you leave earth, or when you leave earth you will go to a place not called heaven..if your lucky purgatory...but you may go to the unnamed zone called pandemonium, the capital city of paradise lost (as described by T.S Eliot) where you can do whatever you want all the time, and nobody else will ever care about the consequences of your self inflicted repeating chaos.
if you are patient enough to save your song of songs for marriage, you will never need a condom, and you will experience sacrificial, unconditional, service to one another as blessedly married people with the ability to be parents and create life and stories to be remembered forever on earth and heaven. condoms, contraception, abortion, and divorce were all created for those with hardened hearts who want to take without loving the responsibility of a song of songs to remember 1) I met a man who lost his foot yesterday, and SSA and SSI office refused to talk or assist him so if your going through some type of physical or mental difficulty and need assistance please call my friend a UCLA Lawyer : Irene Ruzin she specializes in social disability cases.
Her website is at www.socialdisablitylawyer.net or call her at 1888 700 4357 2) if your struggling with a baby that your not able to protect or did not expect to create because it came before marriage, or outside of marriage: please contact the local catholic church to locate an adoption agency you can find them at www.masstimes.org or contact birth choice clinic so they can teach you how to give the child to a family to adopt and protect the baby rather than aborting it and they have a DAD project to keep the father of the baby involved in the decision with the mother especially if they are not a married couple yet, or contact the tim tebow foundation for more adoption programs in the name of Blessed Mother Teresa: "If you dont want that child, give it to me and I will give it a home, or find a family to give the child a home for you." Or contact me directly at [email protected] and I will assist you with the process. 3.) if you see criminal activity in your area like drug or human trafficking, internet fraud in your email boxes, or text messages on the phone, or people being kidnapped, or raped, or any violent crimes from alcoholic or marijuana induced paranoia help the authorities do their job contact crimestoppersusa.com then the local sheriff, federal agents, police, national guard, or detectives and military can go do what needs to be done to put them in prison for life and protect the kids and families near you. Husbands are called to lead their home in prayer, and to be sacrificial and unconditional in their love of their wife, children and the neighbors they encounter as a family. A wife is not the mission or the adventure in a marriage. In fact the wife is a husband's mission partner. All families have specific gifts and talents from the holy spirit. So depending on your skills as a couple you will be able to determine what is the best vision and service that you can provide as a couples and as parents to the children. For married couples the wife is your adventure partner and your children will also be part of that adventure team. But the husbands main role is to shower their wife and kids in prayer to protect them, and inspire them and keep them blessedly connected to the holy spirit. And women should only be open to proposals of marriage from a man who acts as the prayer leader in the family. If she has to be the one leading prayers than they definitely will not be a good match over the long haul of life's ups and downs. Anyone considering marriage should also consider interviewing and talking to religiously ordained orders. I personally interviewed with the jesuits and dominicans. The jesuits sent a priest to my home in san dimas, and then we drove to my home parish and sat and talked on the softball field for about 2 hours. Then I was very much at peace for at least exploring all 3 vocations of being a blessedly single leader, a blessedly relgiously ordained leader, and being blessedly married.
Even women will often be called to be mothers of their religious ordination, or mothers of the highest order. Some Roman Catholic women will be called to be a wife of the highest order, or a ordained mother of a religiously ordained organization like mother angelicka of ewtn. And the other women will continue to be leaders as blessedly single servant hearted leaders. I refer to the highest order, because as a Roman Catholic Man I feel that catholicism is the highest order. But again I am not one to judge people of other faiths. And if your faith as been good for your family: then please stay with it and be blessed. http://jordanfoundation.org
I just found the jordan foundation today, please give them your time, resources, or funds if you believe in helping communties be stronger. They serve near Pennsylvania using baseball to help families that have incomes under 30k to help put their kids into university eductions I know many of us think of michael jordan when we mention the name jordan, but I often think about the the river jordan, and jeffrey jordan and keeping each of us humble. I have a friend named jordan jimenez, and he is directing a play at st lorenzo catholic church in walnut for september 12,13,14 in california. He is also a very servant hearted friend that I have known in the couples for christ community since I joined in 2005. He is a good singer, and a trained chef and provider or catering. I believe he is also single, but you would have to ask him to know for sure. You can meet him at the conference this weekend in walnut. In the meantime please help the jordan foundation. Please visit the link above to give to them. |
Sensei Ronald J.F. Panlilio
thoughts on nutrition, sports strategy, and creating team leaders as a member of a team or as a coach or manager of a sports team on the basketball court deals of the day invest above to sponsor the writing on this site for a future book for theology of the body on courtship when god sends a worthy man to find a priceless woman prepared by god.
I love to serve, and serve to love, and if you feel these words are blessings for your family please send us an email, or send any amount of sponsorship to help me put food on the table as a writer,and coach: basketball, fastpitch softball, and baseball who will use any love donation to help serve the neighbors I am called to serve as a Roman Catholic Servant-Hearted Artist. One of my goals in life is to use my writing to create a book for the theology of the body from my perspective as a man that is currently blessedly single, but also very much preparing to be blessedly married and I am already focused in my prayer life on one woman, and I pray we will be parents of children after our song of songs and wedding mass in god's perfect timing. I am praying about going to krakow, poland for world youth day in 2015 with a group from st paul in chino hills, and each members must raise 4000 dollars so hopefully I can raise enough for all of our group to attend: we already have 20 people in the group. you can send paypal funds to me at [email protected], or if you email me we can make other arrangements. Jesus Be with you, and May Mama Mary always embrace and protect you with her Blue Mantle of Protection. And please also send any prayer requests along with it and I will be sure to add it to my weekly hour in the adoration chapel even if you don't have money to give I will still include your prayers with mine.
R and R International mentors families so they have more play time with their family and friends, and more tools like money to be used to prepare for more service with their neighborhood
Global Entertainment Symposium June 2014 at USC FILM School by the Los Angeles World Affairs Council |