a wise, worthy and dependable woman should be courted by at least 10,000 men of her faith
a blessed, and divine, woman of grace should be courted by millions of men of her faith
God the Father will send one man to be her vocation partner as a blessed husband if she is called to be a blessed wife as her vocation.
All worthy, honorable men of valor, sacrificial, and unconditional faith must limit their courtship of husbandry to one woman. For if they wander they will find that they are insisting on their meager will as a man of little faith, rather than the FIAT (god's will be done in Latin) and promise of an honorable son known as the baby of Mama Mary who came for all of us. God Does not make Mistakes, he converts what the world views as medical maladies into Miracles and Salvation and Redemption for all so we may be filled with the Eucharist and live as the saints, apostles, and ACTS for all. Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication: In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Amen.