So we ride for Freedom, for Love, for God, and protect our matter what happens...stay alive..we will find you...For Mama Mary loves you, and the Good Shepherd would never abandon his flock, if a wolf comes to threaten the Shepherd's flock, he will distract the wolf with a piece of food, or if the villainous wolf persists we will cripple the wolf so it cannot move faster than the flock. The Good Shepherd knows how to get his people home every night, and allows the wolf to contemplate who the prey is and pray to become a part of the flock, or to stay injured over and over until he accepts the food set aside for the wolf's cubs...:) So we ride to share the story that protects us all....So All will live in love with Good Shepherd each day till their last breath on this park and playground we are called to care for the Earth...FIAT
and it begins...let it begin with THEE
and it begins...let it begin with THEE