I laugh when I see stories about men thinking like a woman, or women thinking like a man. Men are made in god's image, and Woman is the cause of awe and wonder for men. They are both two sides of God's love as woman and man: both necessary and different ways of showing love. The world tries to confuse us to think men don't need women, or women don't need men. But that can only lead to a world with no children. So women let the boys become Men. And do not ever follow a man who is not leading, serving, courting, and dancing with you on the water towards God everyday in prayer as Jesus loves his bride the Church and all people on Earth.
Men are called to be blessedly single and connected to the holy spirit. And they should always at least take time to meet people in religously ordered vocations of lay ministry or ordained ministry. That way they can focus on God's will for their lives before trying to focus on a woman, or children, their neighbors or on themselves. If they are called to serve the whole Eucharistic Body in a ordained ministry or lay ministry than they are a huge blessing to the community as a priest to all neighbors that they encounter. If they are called to stay blessedly single than they can still be great in their prayer life with everyone they meet. And if they are called to be husbands and a parent of children than they would have explored all options and become strong enough in their prayer life to be a priest of their home and be able to lead prayers for their family, and protect and shower their wife and children with prayer and the armor of God's Word, and the shield of the name above all names Jesus, as well as the Fiat of Mama Mary and here acceptance of God's will to be done instead of insisting on her will. Even men should submit their own desires and will to God, and let God direct them for any life changing decision. A great place to do this is in an adoration in the quiet and stillness in front of the Eucharist (Jesus), or at Mass during communion, or with a spiritual director or minister who knows them best and for a long time can help them discern what is best for their lives. To me the highest order of faith is the catholic church and pope francis, pope benedict and mother angelicka of EWTN. But people from other nations or cultures that I am unaware of yet may have different beliefs that still led their family to heaven. So I would never judge them, I can only advise based on what I have seen through more than 100 years of marriage with my grandparents, and uncle Randy being a priest, and two aunts serving in lay ministry as Teresianos, another auntie who works with prisoners and seminarians, and the more than 40 years of my own parents being married. Whatever you faith is, my prayer is that your lives will be granted a place in heaven with your beloved for all time by the way you live and serve god, family and neighbor while your alive, serving, and praying on Earth.
Men are called to be blessedly single and connected to the holy spirit. And they should always at least take time to meet people in religously ordered vocations of lay ministry or ordained ministry. That way they can focus on God's will for their lives before trying to focus on a woman, or children, their neighbors or on themselves. If they are called to serve the whole Eucharistic Body in a ordained ministry or lay ministry than they are a huge blessing to the community as a priest to all neighbors that they encounter. If they are called to stay blessedly single than they can still be great in their prayer life with everyone they meet. And if they are called to be husbands and a parent of children than they would have explored all options and become strong enough in their prayer life to be a priest of their home and be able to lead prayers for their family, and protect and shower their wife and children with prayer and the armor of God's Word, and the shield of the name above all names Jesus, as well as the Fiat of Mama Mary and here acceptance of God's will to be done instead of insisting on her will. Even men should submit their own desires and will to God, and let God direct them for any life changing decision. A great place to do this is in an adoration in the quiet and stillness in front of the Eucharist (Jesus), or at Mass during communion, or with a spiritual director or minister who knows them best and for a long time can help them discern what is best for their lives. To me the highest order of faith is the catholic church and pope francis, pope benedict and mother angelicka of EWTN. But people from other nations or cultures that I am unaware of yet may have different beliefs that still led their family to heaven. So I would never judge them, I can only advise based on what I have seen through more than 100 years of marriage with my grandparents, and uncle Randy being a priest, and two aunts serving in lay ministry as Teresianos, another auntie who works with prisoners and seminarians, and the more than 40 years of my own parents being married. Whatever you faith is, my prayer is that your lives will be granted a place in heaven with your beloved for all time by the way you live and serve god, family and neighbor while your alive, serving, and praying on Earth.